Three senior members of First Realty Management have been re-appointed to the Executive Board of the IREM’s Boston Metropolitan Chapter No. 4 for 2022 at a recent chapter event.
Regional Manager William Woodward was appointed as vice president while Senior Portfolio Manager Anthony Susi was appointed as secretary. Chief Operating Officer Frank Cevetello was reappointed to an executive councilor position. Each appointment is for one year.
Will has been active in the IREM Boston Chapter for several years. He served as board secretary in 2020 and treasurer in 2021. As vice president for 2022, Will is in line to become board president for 2023. Will chaired the association’s Income and Expense Committee in 2019. He has also served on the group’s Golf Committee in 2020 and 2021.
Tony has served on the IREM board as an executive councilor for three years prior to his appointment as secretary for 2022. Tony has been very active at the committee level for IREM for several years. He served on the New Member Committee in 2019. He chaired the Income and Expense Committee as well as the Auditing Committee in 2020 and 2021. He also served on the Golf Committee over the past two years.
Frank was appointed to his third term as an Executive Councilor.
IREM (Institute of Real Estate Management) is the nation’s leading credentialing and accrediting association for real estate and property management professionals. The Boston Metropolitan Chapter is one of the oldest and most active of all of the regional IREM chapters across the country.
All individuals appointed to board positions for 2022 will be formally sworn into their positions at an event of the IREM Boston Chapter before the end of the year.